Autograph Capsule | Legends (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Autograph Capsule | Legends (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016 stickers

Browse and buy all CS2 stickers which can be obtained from the Autograph Capsule | Legends (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016. This autograph capsule contains 40 stickers.
It was released on March 17th, 2016 , along with the "Columbus 2016 – Tournament Stickers" update.

Exotic sticker

Sticker  flusha (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

flusha (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Maikelele (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Maikelele (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  dupreeh (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

dupreeh (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  fer (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

fer (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  apEX (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

apEX (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  dennis (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

dennis (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  FalleN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

FalleN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  TaZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

TaZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Zeus (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Zeus (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  friberg (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

friberg (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  coldzera (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

coldzera (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  NEO (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

NEO (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  rain (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

rain (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  f0rest (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

f0rest (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Xizt (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Xizt (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  aizy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

aizy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  kennyS (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

kennyS (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  fnx (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

fnx (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  TACO (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

TACO (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  cajunb (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

cajunb (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  seized (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

seized (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  olofmeister (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

olofmeister (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  NBK- (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

NBK- (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  byali (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

byali (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  DEVIL (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

DEVIL (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Happy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Happy (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  KRIMZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

KRIMZ (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Edward (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Edward (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  JW (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

JW (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  fox (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

fox (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  GuardiaN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

GuardiaN (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  pyth (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

pyth (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  karrigan (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

karrigan (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  flamie (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

flamie (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Snax (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Snax (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  jkaem (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

jkaem (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  pashaBiceps (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

pashaBiceps (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  Xyp9x (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

Xyp9x (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016
Exotic sticker

Sticker  device (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016

device (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016